Zu Soul Superfly

I just ordered a pair of the new Zu speakers on a whim. I was going to wait for information, but the fact that they threw in the free superfly upgrades to the first 30 people got me.

From a similar thread it sounds like some of you guys have heard the speaker despite information only being released today. I'm wondering what you can share about it?

Also, I am really hoping it works with a Firstwatt F1 amplifier. Can anyone comment as to that? I know the Druid's and Essences worked OK.
Incredible Experience!!

I finally have a pair of superfly. I have been following and commenting on this thread from the beginning- I was in line for the original deal but just didn't like the way they looked in the carbon, so I passed. Last week they had a "second" pair in latte for $1400 w/ shipping. I jumped.

Why incredible? Because many moons(more than 6) ago when I was a working musician in LA. I saw Neil Young and Crazy Horse at the Troubador in LA, a very small club. It was just before "Everybody knows this is nowhere" album was released and they played the whole album. Now the stage at the Troubador was tiny- 10' square if that. I was sitting center about 10 feet away,- you guessed it just about the distance from the superflys. So- First chord of Cinnamon Girl- Deja Vu and each cut after- deja vu all over again. I was back in LA. What the fuck?? Brilliant!

I have spent the last 5 days going thru all my guitar favorites, Rock, jazz, classical, flamenco-- hundreds of cuts. I say without reservation, the Superfly is the best transducer of guitar I have ever heard. The rest sounds pretty good too, I am hooked.

By the way, I am using an old el34 based golden tube integrated and a cheap samsung 3d dvd player. I'll report back when I hook them into my main rig.

The only thing that I can figure is that the driver size is so close to the typical guitar amp. I mean the guitar is palpably there in my room. No shit. The dynamics, the tone, are there. Wow. This hobby is major fun again.
>>Superfly is the best transducer of guitar I have ever heard<<

Among hifi speakers, without a doubt. I'm a 42 year guitar player. Even in Druid 6 years ago, it was guitar reproduction that first made me pay attention to what Zu was up to.

Now, for a treat, rig a guitar cable to connect the output of a tube guitar amp to your Superfly. Mask the super tweet with thick cardboard or something & listen to that FRD as primary guitar speaker...

Ha, Phil are you sayin' my 50 year old D'Angelico never sounded so good as being played back through a pair of Zu's? Oh my, think of the money I could save combining guitar needs with audio needs. Only on AG!
I wonder it we could get them to make custom guitar amps in those awesome finishes!!!

(I can't help but think of "The Royal Tennenbaums" starting with that salutation...) First, a half-century D'Angelico will sound fab through a plastic computer speaker, but that wouldn't nearly do it justice! You're a fortunate dude. But yes. Try it with one speaker before a pair, and via a tube guitar amp. The combination of speed and tone density from the Zu FRD beats a 12" guitar speaker except for someone wanting cone breakup -- the Zu driver is too hard to drive into that condition. My Archtops, solid bodies, 335s and all my amps gain tone through the Zu FRD, and if you leave the super tweeter unmasked on a Druid or Superfly, it makes a great speaker for an acoustic guitar amp.

I keep my living room hifi relatively uncluttered, but my secondary Druids system has both hifi SET monoblocks and a couple of tube guitar amps in close proximity at all times.
