I am currently listening to Soul Superflys but saving for Def. 4 as my "final"speakers.
In the meantime I am thinking about upgrading my amp as well which is currently a RWA Sig. 30.2. (pre is Modwright 9.0 SWLP). I am generally quite happy with it but sometimes find it a tad sterile so would like a bit more emotionality. A bit more soundstaging and also power/weight would also be welcome. I listen to quite a bit of rock music and have a fairly big room (approx 60sqm, opening into an adjoining hall). My idea is to make a bit step up on the amp now on the Superflys and then use it on the Def. 4 in a future hopefully not too far away.
So I am thinking about a tube SET or maybe even p-p amp (voiced in the SET direction) with approx.20 + watts in the 7-9 k range new. Hopefully this would enable a big step forward (I am not interested in changing just for the sake of changing something) and would appreciate your thoughts. As I am in Europe many of the US brands are not readily available here but I will make an effort to find Audion and some of the Italian brands such as Mastersound. I thought also about lesser known brands such as NAT (their SE1 models looks nice), Ancient Audio or Trafomatic (they have a 45 p-p model which I think might fit the Superflys but not sure about the Def. 4).
Any thoughts are very welcome.
In the meantime I am thinking about upgrading my amp as well which is currently a RWA Sig. 30.2. (pre is Modwright 9.0 SWLP). I am generally quite happy with it but sometimes find it a tad sterile so would like a bit more emotionality. A bit more soundstaging and also power/weight would also be welcome. I listen to quite a bit of rock music and have a fairly big room (approx 60sqm, opening into an adjoining hall). My idea is to make a bit step up on the amp now on the Superflys and then use it on the Def. 4 in a future hopefully not too far away.
So I am thinking about a tube SET or maybe even p-p amp (voiced in the SET direction) with approx.20 + watts in the 7-9 k range new. Hopefully this would enable a big step forward (I am not interested in changing just for the sake of changing something) and would appreciate your thoughts. As I am in Europe many of the US brands are not readily available here but I will make an effort to find Audion and some of the Italian brands such as Mastersound. I thought also about lesser known brands such as NAT (their SE1 models looks nice), Ancient Audio or Trafomatic (they have a 45 p-p model which I think might fit the Superflys but not sure about the Def. 4).
Any thoughts are very welcome.