Paragraph line spacing test

Line One
Line Two
Thanks, @almarg,  I did see it, but it is a kludge, and Audiogon needs either fix it, or declare that this is a Chrome-only site. What will we do in the future when new users show up with Firefox? Post those instructions every time? Hope they see this memo?

Yes, we are aware of this. We are looking to make improvements in the text editor and we do have plans to overhaul this to something more modern on the roadmap.
@admin  Thanks for providing that info, Tammy.  It occurs to me that it might be worthwhile for you to call the fix I described earlier to the attention of the developers.  If a simple change like that can resolve the problem at the user end, perhaps it would be suggestive to them of a correspondingly simple change that could be implemented at their end, that would allow the issue to be resolved for everyone without waiting for the future upgrade you referred to.

Thanks.  Best regards,
-- Al

@almarg  Thank you for that but we are doing some upgrades to the site and until that takes place the Developers feel it is better to wait. 

Appreciate that information, hopefully this post works.
Pity Admin cannot be as helpful, sorry if that stings Audiogon but I have to tell it like it is.