Ordered my new amp today... been a long road!

Ordered a Parasound A21+ this morning after a year of saving and selling and buying new speakers... This should be it!


Haven't sat and listened with a gin n tonic in over two years... My Martin loans sh#t the bed every year for about 3 years so I bought a pair of 10T's... then my Mac amp wouldn't power them ... sold that now on to the A21+

Excited is not a strong enough word. Thanks for all the advice and wisdom!

Now to find a good 30 ga. power cable! lol
I have some good cables...

I made some 10ga cables... I also have a set of Transparent Music Wave
Be careful with installing the A22+ in a cabinet. This amp can run very warm. Justly a headsup.
The best amp I have ever heard is currently in my system and was built by Peter N. of Montana speakers. If you check out his website they don't even sale my amp. Custom
built. He hooked it up against the Krell FPB 600 and wasn't even close. Need to be a weight lifter to move it. Built like a tank. Quality at every level. Runs my Was speakers with the help of Jeff Rowland preamp. Great guy to visit with. He even drove my speakers to me from Ca. to Mo.
@captbeaver ,I am sure you will love the A21+. The A21 as such is a phenomenal amp.I see someone mention that the A21 had "little or no soundstage and muddled up the highs ". Looks like something is not right either with that particular piece they own or their system. The same person alternates between A21, A21+ and A22+. So something is fishy there. On another thread this same person mentions " Than I bought a parasound A21+. WOW!!! Paired with a Parasound p5 it was off to the races . Only 5 years to get there but worth it.".I would not consider this person's advise on this amp at all, unless that person cares to explain what's going on with his system.I have been using the Parasound A21 for a number of years and been very happy with it. The A21+ can only be an improvement.