Mapman's #2 appropriately addresses Lear's comment. The biggest impact of my subs - BY FAR - is the peak/dip between 70hz and 120hz. I use 2 DRC subs and bassbusters and the measured response of my sytem in this range went from +/-14db to +/- app 1.5 db. I assure you that this is audible.
I'm in a discussion in
another sub-centric thread and have been specifically addressing a consistent, room-generated dip/peak around 80hz(dip) that I've been battling for years with my room. Currently the two integrated subs in my speakers do not address it, nor has any speaker/sub combination (though I have not tried more than two subs at a time, which I think Duke is suggesting there). I was going to follow up some recent input there with this question: with such room-specific suckouts, will altering the position of the system in the room significantly alter where and whether that suckout occurs, or are they entirely independent of positioning? It seems to be more common than I was aware, and frequently in the low end of the music.
My experience goes along with Marty's comment that, though you may not hear it specifically (BOOMBOOMBOOM), having the fuller range does augment instruments and sound that live in the lower spectrum - music, especially the stuff in the lower octaves, certainly sounds different with the subs on vs having the subs off, even though it does not fall into the depths that define the limits of the sub/system.
More often than not (though, fortunately, not always), these days, I find live performances less than appealing in comparison to the intimacy that my system offers. Using live music as a sort of generic bar to achieve, therefore, makes no sense to me. Expecting to replicate a concert hall in your listening room is the stuff of huge, very expensive, speakers set up in larger rooms, moving a whole lot of air, and even then the experience falls short of the real thing in terms of shear scale (though the effect can definitely be breathtaking). Replicating "live" is the proverbial carrot on a stick attached to your head just out of reach. Yes, having a cello sound like a cello certainly does make sense, and in that case, a cello does sound more authentic to it's natural sound when (well-)augmented at the low end. Regarding the frequency range we can actually hear - there is also visceral impact that is not heard, especially in the low end. Those cues do go a long way in bringing the music home, as it were. Experiencing 28hz on headphones is not at all the same as experiencing the same in a room where the sounds wash over your body.