Thanks for the enjoyment of reading every ones posts. You people make me laugh and I enjoy coming to this site.
Gold has not backed our currency in some time, that is nothing new. It is backed by the faith that we can repay the debt same as you having a mortgage on your home.
A little over 70% of each dollar goes to pay the monthly bills of our government. Not much left over for our government buying a nice audio system!
Someone mentioned going to China. Well if you are in the middle class your annual salary would about $8,000.
@ghasley - if I remember correctly, you run out of your SS contribution in like 3 years of your retirement. But people are living 20 years after retiring. There is also the fact that there are less people contributing to SS versus people who are retired so there is a big drain there.
I just had a client move to New Jersey from Canada. She told me that health care is free! 53 to 54% tax rate and if you need a hip replacement, you have to get in line as that is not a procedure that you can obtain quickly like here in the US. I pay high enough taxes but 53% ouch!
Anyone in NJ/NYC area. We have a few planned get togethers. Let me know,