Older Electronics - When to cut bait? Your thoughts?

Hi - I am looking for your collective insight and advice.  I have a Conrad Johnson PFR preamp and MF2250 amp from the early 2000's.  Ironically, I purchased them because of their CJ tube sound AND yet they were more "maintenance free solid state" vs tubes.  Well, here I am approximately 20 years later and I repaired my PFR preamp for approx. $600 two years ago and my MF2250 just went out.

My question is, at what point is it prudent to cut bait and give up on older electronics before they become a money pit?  In the back of my mind I wonder when the PFR will go out again with some other problem and I am looking at another $600 repair.....by then I would be in it for $1,200 of repairs and that is a good chunk towards a newer model.....PrimaLuna for instance.  I am now very fine with tubes as it seems easier and less costly to replace tubes and I really a warm full sound.

For context, I love(!) the sound of the two units although I expect the same, if not better, can be had for a few grand each with lower risk of repair in the next 15+ years... Again, like a PrimaLuna.

Lastly, I know there is not a hard and fast rule here and the answer is subjectively unique for everyone although, I expect some of you have been down this road before so I would love to get your thought process and logic.  Your personal experiences can help inform my thinking as I ponder what to do.


For added context, although I am not sure it matters, I have:
-JanZen Valentia speakers
-McIntosh CD player, MCD205
-Linn LP12 will just about all the upgrades....money pit here:)
-PS Audio DirectStream DAC
-Moon Audio, Silver Dragon interconnects
-Whatever speaker cables....someday will get something else
Solid state equipment should last a long time. However, maybe 15-20 yrs *is* a long time for audio gear. In my opinion, the path forward is to is borrow a pre and power amp you are interested in, and see if while listening you say "wow" or "why bother?"

I owned an MF2300 in the 1990s, and when I tried a Bryston 14B SST in its place, it was "wow" -- I put the CJ on the market the same day. Now I use a Bryston 4B3 with Janszen Valentinas, and I like that combination a lot. But those are *my* ears, and your ears by definition are different.

Good luck!

Thank you.  I think looking (actually listening) for a wow factor with something newer makes sense.  If there is no wow, invest in the fix.....but how soon will it break again will linger in my mind....

The CJ is 250 watts solid state and the PFR is solid state with a phono stage. Why do you think you would be happy with the Primaluna? You will have to spend much more to replace the gear you have now. Since you love the sound that you now have you should get the 2250 fixed!
@yogiboy, +1 and see if they will upgrade to the 2250A status for that desired WOW factor.
If you decide to go new with the PL,  you will have a different level of wow.

As a PL user nearing 10years, I'm not the least bit concerned about it aging. When it does need a tune up  20-30 years from now, it will be good as new.

My 53 year old Mac tuner certainly is holding up nicely.

Its all subjective.I like both SS and tube setups. My ears always come home to tubes.

Im sure your CJ gear sounds nice. Either way is right. I always follow my ears.