Worth of current system

I just did a tally of the cost of my current components.
I wonder if anybody has done the same and wants to reveal.
My total came to around $18,000
Including a couple of pair of small monitors that I only use occasionally, I'm a little over $15k.

@ richmos

Best system for 15K$.

I had used Apogee Duetta Sig from 1989 to 1999.

I DIY whatever I can, because the sound of quality components is qualitatively superior, and you just can't shoe-horn a vacuum capacitor into anyone's standard box.

So I budget for lower high end and spend that on parts. Then I do it my way.
Main rig <$5000.
Living room rig approximately $500 Maybe $600ish with replacement tubes. 
Bedroom system has ss and tube option and cost about $1600 all in. I have a mix of vintage and modern gear. Each system is unique sounding and I love them all. 
Less than the cost of my music library, about the same as my vintage drum collection.