Worth of current system

I just did a tally of the cost of my current components.
I wonder if anybody has done the same and wants to reveal.
My total came to around $18,000
I DIY whatever I can, because the sound of quality components is qualitatively superior, and you just can't shoe-horn a vacuum capacitor into anyone's standard box.

So I budget for lower high end and spend that on parts. Then I do it my way.
Main rig <$5000.
Living room rig approximately $500 Maybe $600ish with replacement tubes. 
Bedroom system has ss and tube option and cost about $1600 all in. I have a mix of vintage and modern gear. Each system is unique sounding and I love them all. 
Less than the cost of my music library, about the same as my vintage drum collection.
About $12k, most was bought used here, on ebay and usaudiomart. This includes CD player sitting in a closet most of the time and Grado RS1 Classic headphones used 99% of time with computer and Burson Play dac. It also includes service fees for the Nakamichi 682ZX deck of which I take good care. This is not much to spend on audio for over 20 years. I overspent a little this year because my 18 years old Redgum integrated just broke - input selector - and I decided not to ship it to Australia for repairs and got instead Burson Audio separates, first the Soloist and shortly after that Timekeeper power amp, both like new and inexpensive, and of course I needed extra pair of interconnects so I got WyWires Platinum. Sounds significantly better than Redgum, similar sonic signature, a bit warmer. No more audio expenses this and next year for me, well, unless something else breaks, I kind of hope.