Very well said and 100% agree. What we long for is the FEELING of security and the sense of order that SEEMED apparent during those times. The Rodney King stuff was crazy wasn't it...humanity, it's a perilous cauldron.
I'm sorry it turned into pro-Trump/anti-Trump, if only for a moment. I've never thought he was a bigot, just insensitive to a degree never seen from our leadership. I believe he is petty and childlike to a degree never seen from our leadership, although one only need listen to a fraction of the Watergate tapes to see that like many things, Trump isn't new or unique. Many thought by electing someone wealthy, that personal gain would have been off the table. That's a reasonable assumption. As I've stated earlier in this thread, we all know alot more than was possible prior to the 24 hour a day news cycle with instant internet searches at a keystroke. Hey, in my lifetime, the press pool would collectively keep mistresses out of the conversation. Imagine that today.
It is certainly within Audiogon's purview to cancel any thread they choose, which you likely know more about than many. Why are you so angry? You drop profanity and snide comments repeatedly. How unfortunate.