Subwoofer Class A/B vs D Power Amplifier

Hello All,

I’m in the market for the subwoofer for the small room. Right now I am looking at Rel T/5i and JL Audio D108. Rel uses Class A/B power amplifier ($599 & made in China) vs JL Audio uses Class D power amplifier ($799 made in USA). Is there any difference between Class A/B vs D?  I want to use it in 2 channels music system.  Thanks in advance!

I don’t think it’s any big deal using a class D amp with a subwoofer. I use the JL Audio D110 and I think it is outstanding. I have never owned a REL so I can’t give you an opinion on it. But I can say that the JL is better than other subs that I have owned!
I concur with Millercarbon.
Using at least a pair of subs is the way to go.
I know Audiokinesis has a Swarm system that is supposed to be a killer.
For me, I use a pair of Vandersteen subs, which use a high pass filter to help seamlessly integrate them with the speakers.
Class D amps are relatively inexpensive to build compared to Class A or AB. Considering they will be only powering lower frequencies, I would say it shouldn't make much difference sound-wise, but, I may be mistaken.
Perhaps Ralph of Atma-Sphere could chime in....
I don't think a dual sub is needed, and not what the OP is asking about.

OP: I wouldn't worry about the class of amp. I'd worry a lot more about room correction. JL has one of the best.

The REL T5 is great for a small room. They are so good and blend so well that you don’t need to use 4 of them. One is fine, two is better, but it depends on your music.

The JL will likely overwhelm a small room.

I like to keep amp classes both Class AB, but that is a personal preference, similar to how I like paper cones more than aluminum cones.