Replacing caps on crossovers?

Has anyone tried upgrading caps on their crossovers? Curious if they experienced any issues with changing the voicing of the speakers in a negative way? Thinking the speakers might be voiced based on lower quality components. 

If you can get a schematic of your crossover,  I'll offer some guidance of which parts to replace.  
Musichead. If the speakers are working properly there is little to gain

Hi @Mijostyn : Can you tell me how many times you’ve tried this and what parts you used to come to this conclusion?

Is this book learning, or have you actually experimented?

Because I have the latter, and I conclude you are mistaken.



What you should do is gain some practical experience, cheaply!

My recommendation for inexpensive experiments are Mundorf MKP and Clarity CSA caps.

Should run you about $20 for a pair of caps. Gain knowledge for yourself. If you can't hear a difference, you will learn there's nothing to gain for you.


@bache My speakers (Coincident PREs) only have a single capacitor that filters the tweeter.  I've tried three separate caps on that tweeter and they all sound different.  Replacing the stock Solen for a Jupiter was a significant upgrade.  Will probably try Duelunds at some point...
I've asked Naim for a schematic, see if they provide one. What prompted me on this is I'm replacing some caps on my DAC soon with some Duelunds. I suspect my speakers could be improved as well only worry about messing with the balance of them because they could be voiced with the lower quality parts. I might end up with a different sounding speaker that I don't like.