Music lover or audiophile?

I think you have to decide, are you a music lover or audiophile?  I know the majority will say, both.
 I’m not so sure though. The nature of audiophilia is to get in there and fiddle with the tools, like any other hobbyist.  The difference in our hobby though is that presumably, our ultimate goal is to have the best musical experience we can get. The hobbyist is never really finished. The manipulation of the materials is the fun. The music lover, however, wants to get the most out of that esthetic experience.  
By continually plying materials, the audiophile is on an endless quest for better sound.
 After years of this quest, I’ve decided I can be a music lover or an audiophile.  I’m happy listening to my system now the way it is.  So, I’ve decided to be a music lover once again.
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Sitting here pondering the OP wondering and debating with myself on where I fall on that question, then I take a look in on someone like folkfreaks system and am just in awe of his dedication and precision of his assembled system and can only imagine how it must sound, so with that said I believe myself to be a music lover first who has followed some basic know how and have a really nice system to listen to it on. The last change made to my system was 20 months ago, replacing VTL amps that were 20 years old and in need of repair with a pair of new Quicksilver M120s with the KT150 upgrade, also had my ZYX Universe rebuilt, so just maintaining.
Both. - Classical Music Lover, Sinatra & Jazz afterwards....Sadly, audiophile has become too expensive, but love multi-channel SACDs.
Sometimes I have to listen to a  recording twice....once for the music, and then for the sound
Music lover than audiophile. I can’t live without my music but I could live without my stereo. 
I'm a musician, and it seems the ration of audio geek musicians to musicians who care about their hifi rigs is about the same as the general public. Blanket comments about what musicians think are silly, as based on my experience they're utterly diverse. Perhaps Inna needs to get out more.