New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
No kidding, Rja...

So... does anyone have anything to say on the actual speakers' sound traits?
Yeah, lets get thing on track. The VR 33 is VSA's best selling speaker. According to Albert, on one pair was returned after the audition period. So there must be a lot of happy owners out there.
According to
I couldnt care less how many were returned but you sound like a 4 yr old ...."my dad says so".
Chadnliz, what is up with that? I'm not trying to get into the a pissing match. I'm sure you could care less, and most of us could care less for your opinion at this point too. The fact that you responded to my post the way you did say a lot about you. To take my little comment and turn it into a a chest thumping type thing? Geez. So sorry for being a VSA fan boy. How dare I post something positive about the VR 33s in a VSA thread.