Suggestions for Harbeth P3ESR speakers

Last year I purchased a used pair of P3ESR speakers in cherry finish for my study. The gentleman from whom I bought the speakers also had a Naim Unitiqute (first version) that he sold to me at a decent price. While I liked the combination, I always felt that the Unitiqute was a little under powered for driving the Harbeths to their full potential. To make matters worse, the digital display (green LCD) on the Unitiqute started to fade and eventually went out after a few months. Searching on the internet revealed that this is a common problem with Naim amps. On one hand, they recommend that the amp be kept on at all times for optimal performance, but on the other hand they use substandard parts for the display. What a shame! So now, while I can still listen to music, I can't really see any information on the amp. Cannot listen to the internet radio, which was a feature I enjoyed, anymore 'cause I can't see the display.

So now, I'm in two minds. Will getting another amp make the Harbeths open up further? Or am I better off selling them and trying something else instead. I already have a pair of KEF LS50 Wireless that I really like and enjoy. KEF has come up with a smaller version (LSX), which is worth a try.

If I decide to stay with the Harbeths, what other amps can you folks recommend? 

Limitations: Have to buy used, under $2000 preferably. Small footprint preferred since it's in my study (10x12x12).

Music: Mostly jazz (including modern), vocals (Diana Krall, Gregory Porter, Nina Simone), soft/psychedelic rock -- Pink Floyd, etc. Sometimes I do listen to hard rock or mainstream pop also. Don't really listen at high volumes mostly but do like to crank it up every now and then.

Lastly, I think adding a small, fast, and musical sub might also help. Recommendations in this category are also welcome
There is a Peachtree Nova 150 for $1400 with free shipping from "peachtreeaudio" on EBay. Refurbished and with a two-year warranty! Including a high- quality DAC and phono stage! Get rid of that Naim!
The P3s sound great with tubes. 50 watts in that small room is sufficient to drive them. There are a few Rogue Audio integrated amps listed here within your budget that would fit the bill. I use a JL Audio Dominion with my P3s and it is a perfect match!
I agree with @yogiboy that a sub will open up the P3s. Adding a (used) B&W ASW610 to my P3s made a big difference. I chose a sealed-box sub to mate with the sealed-box P3s.

I’m using a powerful amplifier (Marsh A400s), and I like the combination a lot. But it’s not an integrated; I never compared another amp; so I can’t say a lot here. Still, I would avoid any SS amp much under 100 watts or tube amp much under 50. Sealed-box speakers, in my experience, benefit from power.

The LS50 and P3 have fundamentally different sounds. I prefer the latter and find it less fatiguing, despite the many good reviews of the LS50. (On the other hand, I believe the W versions use DSP to improve the frequency response.) I suggest an extended and careful audition before buying.
@roberjerman: Thanks for the advice. I actually owned a Peachtree Nova 125 for almost two years. It never really impressed me. It was a bit too sparkly on the top for my taste. Also had some quality issues. Finally replaced it with a Parasound. The difference was night and day. Now admittedly, this was almost 5 years ago. It is possible that Peachtree has made improvements since then.

@yogiboy This is interesting. For some reason I always thought that Harbeths go well with SS. I think even Alan Shaw recommends SS over tubes. But TBH, I've always been intrigued by tubes. Maybe it's worth a try. Thanks for recommending Rogue Audio. I'll check it out. They have several models on sale @ audiogon. Which one would you recommend?