The Absolute Sound "review" of USB cable reads suspiciously like a press releaste

I mean c'mon—can't you even throw in a few according-to-the-manufacturer's?
Hey andy2,

Well, I summarized what another reviewer mentioned, so I'll post the link here:

The beginning of the review has a primer for the hows and whys of USB cables. In it, he states that the audio signal has to arrive in an uncorrupted form as it cannot be reassembled on the receiving end, it being not just ones and zeros, but a signal current representing ones and zeros. Once the representation of the signal is damaged (by jitter), it's over. Or something like that. 

He's been around a long time and knows a thing or two about asynchronous USB architecture as well.

All the best,
The rags are not the hobbyist, today they are sales for audio companies, they are partners. Anyone can see that by reading and how they create trends for companies and many at times are short lived and folks are stuck with a product with little to know value. At best they only write opinion and get to have free\long term loans and the best perk if they wish buying at a industry accommodation, but why they would when they get contact gear to review is beyond me. Mags are there for them, how else can they charge so little for their year renewal. Fun to read, fun to see the ads, but this hobby is 0.5% of the consumer who buy, thus as we age and the market slowly dies you see the marketing and cost focus on the well off with lots of disposable income, where the middle class spend money on their kids, education and putting food on the table. $1,000 power cords, $5,000 amps even buys them a lot of food, education and family needs. THe mags don't write for them and manufacturers don't either.   
Again, the OP link to the TAS article is a not a review.  It is clearly an advertisement for the USB cable.  
Are there two bdp24's? I don't even know what UBS means. You musta got me mixed up with one of the other good lookin' guys.