Taking Power Conditioning to the Max?

Obtaining “clean” power has become an obsession of mine, but I believe I have finally reached a degree of cleanliness that makes further tweaking unnecessary for me.

I start with a dedicated 15A circuit which terminates with a Shunyata SR-Z1 AC wall outlet. From that outlet, via a Shunyata Delta NR power cord, the power goes to an ExactPower EP-15A voltage stabilizer. The ExactPower unit partially regenerates the power to ensure it is consistently 120v/60Hz. From the EP-15A, the power flows to a Richard Gray’s Power Company Substation, which is, essentially, a very large (and heavy!) toroidal isolation transformer. This unit not only does a good job of isolating the power from the outside grid but also performs well in eliminating audible line noise; in addition, it provides a reservoir of power available on an instantaneous basis. This Richard Gray unit uses its own proprietary power cord. Leaving the Substation, the power flows again along Shunyata high current power cords into two Shunyata power conditioners – a Denali 6000/s and an original Hydra.

The result of all this power conditioning is, from my usage perspective, abundant electricity which is simply noiseless.

Now many audiophiles might say that using so much conditioning will suck the life out of the music. I was, of course, concerned about that, too; however, I have found these three units to be complementary to each other, and I believe my power cables between them have prevented noise from re-entering my system. (I should add that I use Shunyata or Wireworld power cords from the Denali and Hydra to the various components in my system, and high quality interconnects thereafter.)

I am curious whether others here also employ elaborate setups to deliver the highest quality power to their systems and, if so, how they have configured them.

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Try a Rosewater energy dc storage and generation system.  The BEST 70K you will ever spend.
Hi @jmeyers I have done something similar to you. But I did it in a different way. I too believe that having clean noiseless power helps. It certainly can’t hurt, at worst. I got a dedicated 20 amp circuit installed going directly from my breaker box directly to the Shunyata outlets in my listening room. From there currently I have 20 amp AQ Tornado HC Power Cable going to a PS Audio Power Plant P20. From there core components are fed from the P20 to them by AQ Tornado HC 15 amp Power cables. I do have some Shunyata Venom HC and non HC Power cables running to some things from the P20 as well. But I am in the process of upgrading and trading in all my Shunyata Venoms to Deltas. I may even switch out the AQ Tornados for Deltas. The other thing I did was a bought a boatload of Greenwave dirty electricity filters and plugged them in all over our house with many in my listening room and on the dedicated circuit. They come with a electrical noise digital and audible measuring device so you can actually measure the amount of noice on your line in mV. You might want to pick up one of these devices to measure the noise on your line. Mine now measures depending on the outlet less than 15mV or even in the single digits. I think there Greenwave filters are great. Another good indication of how well they work is by plugging one of them into a Shunyata PS8 along with a PS Audio Noise Harvester. The Noise Harvester converts line noise to light. So the blue lightbulb on its top is constantly flashing on the typical line. On my line, it doesn’t flash at all. This likely means that these is no or very little noise for the PSA Noise Harvester to “harvest”. I think you have done a great job. My recommendation is to change your 15 amp line to 20 amp giving you more capacity. Also I wonder if the Denali and Hydra are overkill. I would think that your power should already have been cleaned by the time it is received by those units. 
I use isolation transformers, regeneration, and batteries as required. Big isolation transformers run three 12-2 AWG lines for sources and amplifiers. The amplifier transformer powers a central power supply using 100 kg of chokes. Ripple is about 1/10 of a microvolt.

Another circuit powers a motor controller / regenerator for the turntable. Batteries power the phono/pre.

As a result, my system is BLACK.

I'm with @lalitk , Stromtank seems like a great solution. I've heard it at an audio show and everything sounded great. They also have a smaller version, the S2500.