Pondering a Speaker Upgrade

I have had my new integrated amp Lyngdorf 3400 for almost 3 months now and I'm enjoying it thoroughly.  This is my first venture into high end audio with my previous set up being a Marantz AVR with Rotel 1582 power amp.  I am running the Lyngdorf with Martin Logan Motion 40 tower speakers.  Most on this site would consider these budget speakers  but in my view they sound pretty good.  Lots of detail with the Lyngdorf but still pleasing to listen to.  Good soundstage and imaging is fantastic.  I am using with a Sub which the Lyngdorf integrates perfectly for a bottom end that is really sweet.  The Room Perfect correction (a must in my space) is excellent.  However I have always wanted a complete high end system and I'm wondering how much better premium speakers would be with the Lyngdorf. I have been eyeing Bowers 805 d3 thinking standmounts might be better in my somewhat small listening space especially with a Sub.  I went to hear the 805s at Magnolia and though they get a lot of praise I was totally unimpressed.  To my disappointment they were driving the speakers with the same Rotel 1582 amp I upgraded from.  Not only did they not sound great the setup sounded small and in no way came close to the Logans driven by the Lyngdorf even with the Sub turned off.  I also greatly admire the Sonus Faber Olympica line of speakers but they have no dealers in the Washington DC metro area.  So my question is how much improvement might I expect in my system upgrading to a speaker like the 805 d, 804 d or Sonus Faber Olympica I or II  or similarly priced speakers. The Kef Reference I had also peaked my interest.   Especially if I'm using the sub could I expect an overall improvement in sound quality in the 30% range or would the difference be more marginal?  I know that different speakers will have different sound qualities but wondering in general if I want to consider an upgrade.  What I liked about the Logans when I bought them were the highs and mids.  They sounded much more alive and forward than Bowers and the Faber Venere similar in price.  While I still like the Logans I think my taste is changing and I would maybe choose something a little more laid back but not too laid back.
Start with acoustics. As good as the Lyndorf sounds with DSP, it will sound better with room treatment. Try GIK Acoustics.

Try Monitor Audio, Joseph Audio or Fritz.
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In DC, you've got Deja Vu, Gifted Listener (Centerville), Command Performance, and Evolution Audio.  You can hear a really good range of speakers over a couple of days, without spending too much on gas.
Sorry, I couldn’t wade through that OP.  What was that, 2000 words and not a single paragraph break? Heck it may have been one sentence!
ppack, the Lyngdorf has no sound of it's own and with Room Perfect it can correct any significant frequency anomaly a speaker has but it can not make a speaker more detailed or dynamic. It will improve any speaker's imaging. You are use to hybrid ESLs that have a somewhat limited dynamic range but are very detailed. If you REALLY want to get ABSOLUTELY amazing sound check out the Sanders Model 10. With your Lyngdorf you will not need Sander's electronic cross over so I am sure he will give you a price cut. These are hybrid ESLs that have much greater dynamic range and are even more detailed than your MLs. Once you are use to ESLs regular dynamic speakers will usually sound a bit bland.  http://sanderssoundsystems.com/ He will give you a 30 day in home trial. If you do not like them send them back. I do not have any relationship with Sanders. I do not own any of his products. I am a dedicated ESL user and I use a TACT processor which is the direct predecessor of your Lyngdorf. I have a very good idea what you will get which is an extremely detailed and dynamic sound system with pin point imaging.