kjack48230, While you are waiting, I thought I'd offer a few additional comments since they may be relevant to layout of your listening room when you have the M-60's. If you have talked to Ralph, you probably already know most of this. First of all, I found 6SN7 tube selection to be quite important. I found the stock Chinese new production tubes that come with the amps to be unacceptable. Way too much glare. You can do so much better with some relatively inexpensive NOS RCAs or Sylvannias from the 60's. You can get these for $25/tube, and they make all the difference. The isolated 6SN7 towards the front of the amp has the least impact on sonics, in my opinion. That tube must be a GTA or GTB. But again, listen before you buy, Ralph advised me to keep the speaker cables as short as possible. I placed the amps right next to the speakers, which allowed me to keep the cable length at 16." This arrangement usually necessitates longer leads from the preamp. It is advantageous to use balanced cables, and select a preamp that is truly capable of driving long lengths of balanced cable. If I were you, I'd consider one of the Atma-sphere preamps as a long term goal. These amps are very special, but they can be brutally honest in revealing upstream issues. They do not paint the music with euphonics, as a 300B might. For me, it has taken some work to get things dialed in.