I am so excited about this AC 3500P, should arrive on Friday. Now the long burn-in process...
Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??
Guys, After a full week of burn-in, I can now report that the 3500P is superior in every way to my modded CPT 1200 Balance Power Conditioner; even quieter than the CPT with an SR Basic Grounding Block, lower floor noise, deeper/wider sound stage and a richer/more vibrant presentation. I suspect more improvements as the unit accumulate more hours on the outlets and wiring. Wig |
@wig, Good to know. Looks like there is another review for this unit. This is the first time I saw the internal picture of the unit. https://www.in-akustik.de/fileadmin//user_upload/Downloads/stereoplay_2019-07_AC-3500P.pdf |
This is probably what's in the bottom half: https://www.google.com/search?q=inakustik+3500p+images&tbm=isch&source=hp&sa=X&ved=2...: Wig |