I have an old moving coil Denon 103, it’s a little dark for an MC, but the midrange is killer. My other favorite is the Nagaoka MP-11 Boron, which to me sounds almost exactly like the Denon.
Maybe for certain genre of music, or maybe in a horn system ...
103 conical is definitely not my type of sound, not for everyone
Personally, I prefer the conical stylus from the MP-10 for my vintage jazz Micro-groove LPs....
Because to me the conical stylus sounds better ...
It explains a lot, different preferences, indeed
Nagaoka has built almost the exact same line of cartridges for over forty years. Only subtle changes have been made. So clearly, they must be doing something right, as they are still enjoyed by many.
I believe Nagaoka / Jeweltone MP-50 or MP-500 with Boron cantilever and some nice stylus profile are good MM, not sure how many people are using them with conical tip over its LineContact.