anyone have experience with "replacement cost" insurance, and Allstate?

Well, thanks to a lightning strike I am without my Mark Levinson 326s. It is at the shop now getting looked at but I am not holding out a lot of hope. The 326s is not longer made, and I am worried about what Allstate will consider as a replacement.thanks for any advice you might have on this.

Yes, luckily I am close to a very established Levinson dealer. They are looking at it now. I had Transparent Power isolators on all the gear, they are fine... unfortunately I did not protect the incoming DTV line and it ran in there taking out the DTV gear, TV, my Cambridge audio streamer, pre amp and router. Luckily the 360s DAC, 37 Transport, 331 amp and speakers made it through.

I know Allstate is going to choke if they see a 10k replacement bill.

I do insurance replacement quotes all the time.  If you work with a good dealer they can include full installation and help you with how to talk to the insurance company.  Things like, " I purchased my original from an authorized dealer and I expect the same for support".  This keeps them from buying gray goods on the internet.
where are you located? Hope this situation fares well for your needs.Keep us posted on the developments.  Happy Listening!
Thanks Audiobunker, that's encouraging, and also why I pretty much only buy local from this B&M store. I have been going to them for over 20 years. They loaned me another streamer so I could test out the rest of the system.  They really go above and beyond.
Give your local dealer/retailer a shout-out as well.
Happy Listening!