What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html


As geoffkait likes to point out, serious companies take care of directionality from the beginning so maybe all those circuits are done in whatever direction was preferred.

My only issue with all of that, Walkman conductor directionality, is in its moving nature. Once you tweak it right and then walk and turn the corner, it gets misaligned in respect to all the magnetic forces acting in the Universe. Not to mention seismic vibrations. Then you tweak it until the next corner, I guess.
Let’s get back on track for a second, shall we? Look, I’ve seen a lot of outrageous preposterous tweaks come and go. And of all the outrageous, crazy, ridiculous tweaks I’ve run across I put the photos-in-the-freezer tweak right at top of my long list. I haven’t mentioned this to anyone before, so this is very hush hush, but we had the photos-in-the-freezer tweak in the Golden Sound room at CES back in ‘05. That was the year we had the Intelligent Chip, another mind blower. 🤯 We also had Clocks and Pebbles. In fact, gentle readers, it’s the only time a room was ever extensively treated with PWB Electronics products in the history of CES.
Schumann generator update:

I dont use the S.G. like most people do... Not only it generate some frequencies, the Schumann one, but he S.G. is really an apparatus to improve the effect of stones and crystals... I use Shungite mainly with other stones that are there to compensate one another effects they produce to gain what you want to hear with your particular speakers and gear....

For the beginners try a piece of shungite under the S.G. or on top of it but without contact with 4 improvised feet I cut myself, it will greatly enhance the effect of the S.G. to the point in my audio system to put it on another plane of details...remember when I speak about the effects of something that all my audio system is tweaked with a connected grid of multiple kind of crystals and stones...