Another Cart opinion thread....

Hi all,

I have a Music Hall 2.3SE and am looking to upgrade the stock cart (essentially an AT95E).  I'm considering the AT VM540ML, Nagaoka MP-150, Sumiko Moonstone and perhaps Denon-110.

I'm looking for something with great detail, not too bright, tight bass and smooth mids.

I have a Rega Mini phono stage, Krell HTS 7.1 pre/pro, Adcom 5802 amp, Martin Logan SL3's and a REL Storm III sub.

Any suggestions?  Differences in sonic quality between these carts?

I've done a direct comparison between  AT VM540ML and Nagaoka MP-150. Nagaoka MP-150 is the clear winner with fuller sound and better dynamics. The 540 is too thin and analytical (for my taste) to the point where music just isn't enjoyable.
Great report.  Thank you.   I was already leaning toward the Nag.  My only experience with AT is my current cart.  For the price it's very good, but I find some of the highs a bit piercing and it seems to be missing something in the mids, but I like its soundstage and separation of instruments.  There's also a lot of headroom when it comes to solos.   I didn't know if those characteristics are throughout the AT lineup.

I don't have any experience with Nag, but I like what files I've heard that were recorded with the 300.
Here's a different idea.  Don't invest any money in that table.  If you're not happy with the way it sounds now, buy a better turntable.

I started out with a Music Hall 2.2, added a the speed box, put on an acrylic platter, and put a couple of better cartridges on it, including the current one, a Nagaoka MP-500.

A Music Hall 5.3 or 7.3 with an inexpensive cart like the AT95 will sound much better than the 2.3 will with an upgraded cartridge.  I currently have a Music Hall 7.1 and with an old Shure V15 with a JICO SAS stylus it sounds way better than the 2.2 with all the upgrades I did to it.  I had an AT95 from another table I had and have mounted it on the 7.1 and it also sounded better than the 2.2.

The 2.3 is an entry level table - it doesn't have good motor isolation, it doesn't have much mass, it has a cheap tonearm, and the feet are pretty cheap.  Either be happy with it as is or get a better table.   I'm not saying it's a bad table, but buying a better table will give you more bang for your buck if you're looking for an improvement in sound quality.  
Thanks for the advice.  It's a good suggestion, and thinking out of the box.

However, I'm not unhappy with the way my set up sounds, I'm just trying to achieve a more rounded sound.  I don't want to head down the rabbit hole.  There's always a better sounding this or that.

(and with 2 kids in college........need I say more)

I would hope a 1,300+ TT would sound better.