Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage?

Driving my Guarneri with a Pass Aleph 3 amp(with audio aero capitole mkIISE cdp+pre), which goes quite well, but thinking of upgrading amp to a couple of 300B monoblocks...
The thing is this is a tricky change because, among other things, the Pass is built like a tank and is an excellent amp. So I want to make the decision carefully with no hurries...
Considering as an option the Coincident Frankenstein's but i'm not too informed about tube amps.
I listen to all sorts of music though fav is Opera, so my expectations with the change would go on the line of getting a more real life experience.
I wonder if anyone had any experience of driving these 87db sensitivity, 6-8ohm speakers with a SET and would appreciate opinions or suggestions
Thanks all for the advise; i listen at somewhat low levels at a distance of 8' to the speakers (room is about 19x19 although irregular). Cheers,
Given your preferred listening level and moderate room size I feel the Frankenstein amp will serve you very well. Keep in mind this amp utilizes an interstage transformer in place of coupling capacitors in the signal path, this will provide a pure and natural tone without a mechanical/electronic sonic character.
Canary 300B amps are awesome.
My friend has the Canary Ca-339 300B amps on the Cabasse Iroise. Great combination.
Dongiovanni, I looked up the output of the Coincident Frankenstein's. They put out a max of 8watts/ch! I would be VERY surprised if this amp could drive the GH's.( especially since you have a fairly large room) I noticed that Coincident also makes another model-- The Dragon; which puts out a max of 75 watts/ch. IMHO, that amp would be a far better choice. Do you have a chance to listen to the Coincident/GH combo before buying.. That is what I would suggest if you have the opportunity.
Have you personally heard these amplifiers? I have and forming an opinion based simply based on specs alone is`nt good advice at all.Per the stereophile measurements this speaker has a very favorable load and phase angle(8 ohm nominal and minimum 5.8 ohm0 with it`s 87db sensitivity and the given listening preference of the OP the Frankenstein could work quite well. The Dragon amp would certainly drive these spearkers but the OP expressed an interest in the 300b amp. I`ve experienced a number of times when a lower powered tube amp(with good transformer and PS) have matched or outperformed a higher power rated amp on speakers with a suitable load. Numbers don`t always tell the whole story.