Which 300B SET for SF Guarneri Homage?

Driving my Guarneri with a Pass Aleph 3 amp(with audio aero capitole mkIISE cdp+pre), which goes quite well, but thinking of upgrading amp to a couple of 300B monoblocks...
The thing is this is a tricky change because, among other things, the Pass is built like a tank and is an excellent amp. So I want to make the decision carefully with no hurries...
Considering as an option the Coincident Frankenstein's but i'm not too informed about tube amps.
I listen to all sorts of music though fav is Opera, so my expectations with the change would go on the line of getting a more real life experience.
I wonder if anyone had any experience of driving these 87db sensitivity, 6-8ohm speakers with a SET and would appreciate opinions or suggestions
I forgot to mention that I use a Velodyne DD18 with the GH with good results, the sub fills the <45Hz that the Guarneris miss to reproduce, I cut the sub at 90dB with a soft 12dB rollout.
As you have noted, many suggestions and points of view. Since the original question was concerning the Frankenstein I`ll just say again this amp is`nt a typical 300b amp, it has been found to have exceptional drive capacity and given your moderate listening demands who really knows the end result. As I say in an earlier post email or call Israel Blume he know both his amps better than all of us posting on this thread and he will certainly be honest and upfront.
Best of luck
Charlers1dad, We know that you like and enjoy your Frankenstein amp. What you seem to keep missing, is the point that knowing this amp well is frankly fairly irrelevant. Asking Israel about his amp is not the question, the question is how well he knows the SF GH's? Because, once again, unless anyone, including Israel, would have extensive knowledge of the pairing ( the Franks AND the GH's) then any recommendation on the pairing is pure supposition.
Could the pairing work, would the pairing work, is it likely the pairing would work...WHo knows!! What we do know is that the OP will NOT have a chance to listen to the pairing and therefore would be taking IMHO an enormous risk if it didn't, which again IMHO is HIGHLY likely. What we also know is that there are several good candidates that WILL work... Even one of Israel's own designs.
I don't have much experience with the GH (I have friends with other speakers from that manufacturer -- Anniversarios, Stardivari, Elipsa) and none of these were SET friendly. I heard the Anniversarios on a top quality pushpull 300B amp and even in pushpull configuration, the lack of bass control was very evident. I am a fan of lowpowered SET (I own an Audionote Kageki), but, these are extremely specialized items that should be used only on appropriate speakers.

The only kind of SET I would consider would be an amp using 845s or 211s because these put out significantly more power than a 300b. I have heard, and liked, the Viva Solista, though I have not heard them with Sonus Faber speakers. Another higher-powered SET that I like is the THE Wyetech amp that uses 211s (I believe it is called the Topaz).

I am also very partial to output transformerless amplifiers. These tend to be very fast and sound very lively and "present." I really like the immediacy of the OTL sound, something one can also get with certain SET amps (but only with very high efficiency speakers), but OTLs make that kind of sound available to a broader array of applications. Atmasphere makes OTLs at the 30 and 60 watt power levels that should be fine for your application. Joule makes OTLs that sound warmer than the Atmasphere models, if a warmer sound is what you want (the 300b sound is on the warmer side).

Good luck on your search.
Larryi, I think what you posted is very good advice. Generally the whole SF line is NOT really low powered/flea powered SE friendly. Like you say there are SE amps that are a better match for these speakers;however, none of them that I am aware of use a 300B tube.