speakers close to the back wall ?

The back of my rear ported floor standing speakers are one foot from the back wall and can get boomy in the port frequencies. I can`t move them further out into the room so I`m looking for a speaker that works well close to the wall at around 3000 dollars.
My system is Sim Audio moon 5.3 integrated amp and matching cd player.
Agree with above - try stuffing the ports with socks and see what you think. Another very cheap plug is foam pipe insulation available in different diameter sizes from a hardware store. It can be tailored to still leave a small hole for air to escape, or plugging outright.
Try the Omega Super 6 XRS Alnico or the Super 8 XRS Alnico. They are designed with a down fireing aperiodic port, so distance from the back wall is not that critical. Also Louis at Omega is a one off custom builder. He can make any of his designs with a front port to compensate for rear wall distance. Give him a call he is a great guy and is very passionate about his designs.
(203) 847-2800
The Audio Note E's gave boomy bass in my room against the back wall and corners and not until they were 3ft. back was it controlled.

Try before you buy.

I'm using a floorstanding single driver no crossover speaker with front slotted ports from Planet10 Audio called the Fonken 167.