What does a 'refined sounding' speaker mean ?


Can someone please explain what a refined sounding speaker means when reviewers rate a piece of equipment/speakers ?.. It seems that this term is used a lot in comparison between cheaper and 
more expensive gear to justify the price different.... So what exactly are they referring too
I've heard only one speaker that touched me as refined.  It was a sophistication of sweetness and accuracy.  Definitely something about the treble.  Can't recall the brand.  It was beyond my means at the time.

We cannot explain it but you will know,

Several things will happen when you attain this in your system.

1. If you are still a working grunt " like me " you will start thinking of your play list at lunch time and speed on your way home, focused on  the listening room and if you got "just "the right placement with your speakers. Ignore all the gouges in the wood floor you are making.

2. You will start pulling stuff out for a listen that you have not herd in years, and hearing things you have never herd.

3. At some point in the listening session you wife will break into the listening room and ask........

I have no idea. Most of the descriptors used by the audio press are meaningless. My favorite is timing which is the purview of the percussionist not a HiFi system. Same for pace unless your turntable speed is off. Characteristics that remain in spite of the program source are the fault of the system such as bass heavy or too much treble. A good system will take on the characteristics of the program source and add or subtract nothing. It can either cast an image or can not. It either has very low bass or it does not. It can play loud cleanly or it can not.  
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It's all about subtlety and nuance.  Lesser systems are brash and, err, less refined.