Looking for a good full range floor stander

Hello all.  Making a good two way system for a 20 x 40x 12 high room budget 12k to 16 k.  Powered by a bryston 14b cubed amp.  Have a surround system with Golden ear ref and surrounds powered by parasound a21 for mains  and Carver cinema grand for surrounds. Like the GEs  The speakers I'm looking for will be for music only lots of jazz (female vocalist a fav), classical, classic rock and roll (70's and up).  I have heard good things about proac k6, Joseph audio, and a few others but am not within 4 hours of audition range.  Real interested in people in the know about the proac or suggestions.  Thanks in advance.
Nothing without good room correction sound very good in a small hotel room. Jim Salk was kind enough to agree to participate in an event in June our club put on. We had legitimate rooms, 19 x 29 x 12. His speakers were excellent sounding. Salk does not use a 4 to 1 component cost to retail price ratio as most makers do. We guesstimated the Song 3s we had @ $5,900 had about $2k in raw SEAS speakers. Amazing wood work goes into his speakers too.
Since the idea for "tall speakers came from Magnepan and everyone else followed, why not try them LAST and see what you like then?

Nothing lost by trying several IN YOUR ROOM.

Cheers, and good listening!
Two words: Emerald Physics

My room is 19 x 36 with 11 foot vaulted open beam ceilings. Both front and back walls are 50- 90% glass PLUS a open up/down stairwell on the left side

Been using a pair of EP KC IIs and dual SVS subs which do a darn good job with music like; Patricia Barber, Diana Krall, Jacinta, Eagles Hell Freezes Over, lots of large orchestra classical... but expecting to replace them with EP 2.8s ~ $9K soon
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