Need to adjust the speed every time I turn on turntable

Need to adjust the speed every time I turn on turntable.This is a belt driven Oracle Delphi II with Origin Live motor and Origin Live Control Board and Origin Live Power Supply.  I am guessing it can be the belt, motor, control board and /or power supply.   How do I determine what is not working?
With my VPI Classic 3 SE Sig/w 3 belts/ADS.... there's a constant need for adjustment between listening sessions.
The Origin Live’s motor controller’s DC output drifts when cold and then stabilize once it warms up. 
I do not think so testpilot. He is setting the motor speed when it is cold. It should be the same next time he checks it cold. dcaudio, next time you start up check the speed but do not change it. Get an idea of how many dots drift by a fixed point in 10 seconds. Lets say it drifts 5 dots in 10 seconds. Check the speed again when it has warmed up for 30 minutes. How many dots does it drift now. Let us know what happens!!