Media: Should we start hoarding?

Doubtless you’ve heard of the catastrophic loss of thousands of master recordings

What occurs to me as I’m sitting here listening to “Monk: Straight No Chaser” is that a LOT of recordings we are listening to today can never be re-released or remastered. The ONLY way to make new versions/re-releases  is to use copies...

It got me to consider upping my music budget and buying everything I can made either from the original master or recently remastered. 

When the zombie apocalypse comes, the man with a DVD collection and portable player will rule the world.
I highly treasure my 2,000 or so LP’s, and I kinda like going “shopping” through them and realizing I forgot I owned this or that one. Hmm, I think I’ll give it a listen. I’d say maybe 300-400 of em could go to the dumpster, which are usually ones in a take em all or nothing situation when taking a collection someone’s trying to get rid of. If at least 20-30%ish aren’t worth taking, I’ll leave em there.
I certainly don’t worry about not being able to find an original copy. Worst case scenario, I can get a high quality CD copy of a copy if I’ve gotta. 
I had an old Marantz CD/laserdisc player from the mid-90s. Hadn't used it in many years. I decided to post it on Facebook Marketplace and sold it for a good price within 2 hours!! I'm really surprised how what sells and knowing people still collect items that I never thought would sell. 
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