Looking for warm sounding speakers

Looking for upgrading my present speakers (ADS L 1090) with something more modern. My preference is tilted towards warm sounding laid back speakers not aggressive in the mid range and not hyper detailed.
Electronics consist of RA opus 21 cdp, Symphonic Line Tube preamp and SS amp (130W/ch).

Want to remain in < 3K price range used or new.

Dynaudio is worth auditioning if you must. Just a touch to the warm side of neutral in general.
In my opinion, you could not go wrong with Harbeth 7es3's.
Fantastic speakers with unbelievable mid-range quality.
The only criticism is they don't work for hard rock, if you like your music loud.
Older Sonus Faber Grand Piano Concertos. Warm and laidback and rolled-off in the highs. The Spendors and Harbeths are warm and revealing but not laidback.
Vandersteeen.Also though I used to sell them B&W are pretty warm and forgiving of lesser electronics if not most precise at "x" dollar amount.