clearthink: "Class d is ok for subwoofer amplifiers at least until you compare them to something better such as Bryston or Pass."
jsautter: "I agree with clearthink on the issue of Class D amps. Havent heard one yet that I have liked."
Hello clearthink and jsautter,
It’s funny how outdated you both sound. There’s been very good class D amps on the market for at least the last 5 years, maybe longer, such as Bel Canto, Merrill Audio, D-Sonic, Red Dragon, Wyred 4 Sound, Channel Islands, any of the DIY amp kits using the Hypex NCore power modules and others I’m probably forgetting. You both obviously just lack the experience of listening to a good class D amp. After all, you don’t know what you don’t know, right?
It’s just a shame that, with no experience listening to good class D amps, you’re both willing to spread outdated and no longer accurate information. It is true that they all generally have exceptionally good bass response, when compared to the other traditional amp types, since they typically have very high damping factors.
What you both apparently don’t realize however, is that good class D amps generally share other qualities such as very low distortion and background noise levels which results in very high levels of detail, very high power and dynamic range capacity, very neutral sonic presentations with nothing added or subtracted from the inputted signals as well as midrange and treble responses that are detailed, accurate and natural without being harsh or bright.
The above is an accurate description of what I’ve experienced owning and listening to good class D amps both in my own system and many others I’ve listened to. Hopefully, both of you will be able to listen to a good class D amp soon to update and broaden your knowledge and experience.
Oh yeah, I just realized I almost forgot to mention all the other non-sound quality benefits of class D amps, which are relative affordability, small size, low weight, high electrical efficiency, low electricity consumption and low operating temps.