New home theater setup

I'm using some old and new equipment to set up a basement home theater. I have a great old Yamaha DSP-A2070 with lotsa power but prehistoric surround sound circuitry. Bought a new Yamaha Aventage RX-700 with nice surround circuitry but minimal power (90W?). I'm driving a pr. of B&W Matrix 3s, matching center channel and Paradigm Atoms for surround. Sub is a B&W ASW1000. I also have a 2nd speaker set-up out by the pool with some NHT Outdoor Ones. My thoughts are to pre-amp out the front channels to the A2070 and let the RX-700 handle the rest of the surrounds, as well as drive the NHTs. I would love input from folks who play with this stuff more than I do...
Zydo, respectfully, an intriguing statement. Could you simply tell us which AVR it is?
Thanks for everyone's input. This is, after all, a secondary system. My primary setup is Rotel separates w/ Ascend Acoustics. For now, I'll make do with the RX-A700 (which does have pre-outs, btw) pulling full stereo duty and the old A2070 assigned to power my pool speakers (which are over 200 feet away....lotsa resistance ) until I get carpet and furniture in the basement. Then I'll balance and reassess.
Arcam AVR 600. It beat the pants off of my all Sunfire seperate system in every way, and I really liked that set up. I had one (AVR 600) for quite some time. I ended up selling it to a customer that "had to have it" or I would still be using it. I'm currently running all Arcam seperates. (I'm a seperate guy at heart) I'm not saying it's inexpensive, but, great sound can come from an AVR. (that includes 2 channel) I'm sure there are others, I just have not had the pleasure of useing one that's better myself.
No, no Arcam AVR600 is going to take the place of anyone's high end audio separates, to driver their speaker system! Yes, it's a nice receiver, with newer AV processing, including higher end digital Dac's than what even older ultra high end digital front ends offered 15 years ago, sure. And yet, it's still not driving full range speakers with authority, or full bodied refinement or control, purity, and so on. As a receiver goes, it's good product for driving some small monitor speakers, and an assisted sub. I grant anyone that. Is it better than older receivers, sure, that too.
I have to laugh when people get behind ANY AV receiver, flagship or otherwise, and think they have something super special, world beater, all audiophile equipment equiped and so forth! I laugh! And my exerperience is that if you simply put any descent even Parasound, Adcom,B&K, Emotiva, and even Rotel outboard power amp at the end of any AV pre/pro or receiver, and you already beat up sonically on what is capable from the all in on receiver units on their own merit! All things considered, of course. The receiver or processor needs to be current digital technology, that posseses descent enough audio pass through direct for analog dubties, if applicable. But, at very least, you cannot compare any older digital process vs newer, when it comes to detail and resolution, compared to older products. So, in that respect, yes, even newer AV receivers surpass older products on both sides of the board, sure.
Problems with AV receivers- still can' tbe avoided, and which degrade things compared to separates systems, is electronic interference between power sections and delicate pre/pro sections, affecting signal to noise, channel separation and so on. Separate the power amp from the preamp and you get strong noticable bennefits.
Also, dediated power amps, as I stated, offer current delivery and quality control and better parts than what you'll get from some Chinese receiver. I've simiply played with all of this stuff mostly, simply way too many hours to know otherwise. Basically, separates systems simply offer too many benefits, when combined with current digital process properties's a team effort of parts.
Yes, it's simply amazing what is being offered in todays digital AV recievers and processors, I agree. I still lean towards higher audiphile grade, full range system attributes with the separates. People can swear by their receiver to be "all that" for sound, but I know otherwise. Just too many side by side comparisons and hundreds of hours of tinkering with different combos and equipment choices in this hobby to think otherwise.
I mean I see no serious AV magazine reviewer ditching their high end AV pre/pro and separates power amp combinations to think or be persuaded otherwise! And you can't get me to believe that the otherwise excellent Arcam products are going to beat out some Krell, Theta, Simm, Meridian, Macintosh, Anthem, Parasound Halo, or even Denon or Marantz separates processor and amplifier combo, all around! I think these perform at another level than just a "receiver".
that's all I'm sayin..

You are wrong. The AVR-600 WILL beat most seperates. Will it beat the Krell amp, or Anthom, I really don't know. If you care to believe what a reviewer says, yes, Peter Moncrieff, in widescreen review, said it was THE BEST sound he has ever heard, at any price. So I guess he would trade his seperates for it. He used 7 B&W 802's in his review. You are not speaking from experiance on this. I drove a pair of ProAc response 3's in my own room at home. Also drove 2 pair of Dahlquist, PSB platinum T6's, Sinclair 460T towers, and several others. (All of which are my own speakers) Your ASSUMPTION that this will only drive small monitors is totally wrong. I'm not saying this is the "holy grail" of audio. I will say that it out performed a Sunfire signature, and a Sunfire 300 for stereo, that's 2 channel, music only. (Also my own amps) We sold Sunfire for many years. When I replied to the OP, I was compairing it to the likes of his Yamaha. (I'm also a dealer for them by the way) We have sold almost everything out there. I have owned Lexicon in my own home, Sony, Yamaha, Harmon, Denon, Adcom, Parasound, NAD, Hafler, Belles, and several others. We have sold, or do sell, all of those. (along with countless others) Do I believe everything that Peter said in his review? No. My current Arcam seperate sytem at home is better than the 600 was. The big Arcam amp has a little, and I do mean little, better hold on my speakers. Mainly better bass response. (it's also twice the price) Your comments sound, and read, like someone that knows what they are talking about. I know better, because I have actually listened to them side by side. I now know you haven't. I'm not talking about the latest codecs for HT, that's a whole different thing. That's why I said 2 channel. I'm a Krell fan, as well as Classe, Theta, and many others. I can't say the 600 would beat them out, I simply don't know. As I said, I'm a seperates guy at heart. My gut feeling is I would prefer the really high end seperate system. Your comment that those cheap amps would beat out a 600 is crazy. You don't know that.(I do)I'm willing to open one up, and compare it to what you have anytime. I'd be willing to bet you can't show up here with seperates that are anywhere near the price, and beat a 600. End of rant.