number 8 is actually the number one critical aspect.
finding neutral and real the context of not being able to isolate that function or aspect in the given single item.
That is the heart of the entire thing, and where 99.99 percent (or higher) of audio folks screw up.
they buy out of kilter audio gear and each addition restricts quality and dynamics, like a chain meal of less and less making it to the final acoustic output into the room.
There is very high chance, as in about 100%, that anyone and everyone here...has dumped excellent, properly built neutral gear ... out of their system - and sold it off, as it did not fit with the other ’unrealized as bad choices’ audio gear.
There is NO center point or anchor point in any of it, for the individual... so this problem abounds, to an insane and ubiquitous level.
Measurements can’t fix it, nor have they shown that their framing of it is functional.
Step one: define the problem. spend the vast majority of your time here.
Searching for the correct audio gear: a few minutes compared to the lifetime of pondering step one.
finding neutral and real the context of not being able to isolate that function or aspect in the given single item.
That is the heart of the entire thing, and where 99.99 percent (or higher) of audio folks screw up.
they buy out of kilter audio gear and each addition restricts quality and dynamics, like a chain meal of less and less making it to the final acoustic output into the room.
There is very high chance, as in about 100%, that anyone and everyone here...has dumped excellent, properly built neutral gear ... out of their system - and sold it off, as it did not fit with the other ’unrealized as bad choices’ audio gear.
There is NO center point or anchor point in any of it, for the individual... so this problem abounds, to an insane and ubiquitous level.
Measurements can’t fix it, nor have they shown that their framing of it is functional.
Step one: define the problem. spend the vast majority of your time here.
Searching for the correct audio gear: a few minutes compared to the lifetime of pondering step one.