Hear my Cartridges....🎶

Many Forums have a 'Show your Turntables' Thread or 'Show your Cartridges' Thread but that's just 'eye-candy'.... These days, it's possible to see and HEAR your turntables/arms and cartridges via YouTube videos.
Peter Breuninger does it on his AV Showrooms Site and Michael Fremer does it with high-res digital files made from his analogue front ends.
Now Fremer claims that the 'sound' on his high-res digital files captures the complex, ephemeral nuances and differences that he hears directly from the analogue equipment in his room.
That may well be....when he plays it through the rest of his high-end setup 😎
But when I play his files through my humble iMac speakers or even worse.....my iPad speakers.....they sound no more convincing than the YouTube videos produced by Breuninger.
Of course YouTube videos struggle to capture 'soundstage' (side to side and front to back) and obviously can't reproduce the effects of the lowest octaves out of subwoofers.....but.....they can sometimes give a reasonably accurate IMPRESSION of the overall sound of a system.

With that in mind.....see if any of you can distinguish the differences between some of my vintage (and modern) cartridges.
This cartridge is the pinnacle of the Victor MM designs and has a Shibata stylus on a beryllium cantilever. Almost impossible to find these days with its original Victor stylus assembly but if you are lucky enough to do so.....be prepared to pay over US$1000.....🤪
This cartridge is down the ladder from the X1 but still has a Shibata stylus (don't know if the cantilever is beryllium?)
This cartridge was designed for 4-Channel reproduction and so has a wide frequency response 10Hz-60KHz.
Easier to find than the X1 but a lot cheaper (I got this one for US$130).
Top of the line MM cartridge from Audio Technica with Microline Stylus on Gold-Plated Boron Tube cantilever.
Expensive if you can find one....think US$1000.

I will be interested if people can hear any differences in these three vintage MM cartridges....
Then I might post some vintage MMs against vintage and MODERN LOMC cartridges.....🤗

**** a but runny ****

Should read:

”a bit tubby” 

Too funny.  I need to slow down....maybe proofread ?  🤔
Agree with you both on the FR-5E and 6SE,,,,,,
I have always preferred the 6SE to the 5 and 5E and have been confounded by the preference of some (J Carr and Chakster) for the FR-5E?
They are BOTH coloured cartridges in that they emphasise the 'warmth' of presentation (in a good way-like tubes 😀).
But whilst the FR-6SE keeps a happy balance in the spectrum between bass to treble....the 5E doesn't, almost descending into 'syrupy'.
The beauty of both of them, to me, is the projection into the room of the entire soundstage.
It envelopes you and because they are so warm and free of any brittleness....the louder one plays, the better (and more natural) they become.
In fact they are the ideal cartridges for turning 'digital' recordings into 'analogue-sounding' recordings 🤩
Despite the 'easy' preference for the FR-6SE....I can still happily listen to the FR-5E.....at least on the Victor DD.
On the Raven AC-2, it becomes admittedly annoying 🥴

I will elaborate on the previous discussion about the LDR and the Ultra 500 shortly Frogman....😎
I feel there is some resistance to appreciating my 'in-room' experiences...? 🙉

I started off with the LDR in the FR-64S on the TT-101 Noromance...but the notorious reputation of the Deccas for mistracking, were borne out on all my tonearms other than the FR-66S 🙏🏽

@halcro That’s disappointing. Are you certain it wasn’t a setup or record issue? I run all my Deccas on 2 lowly Jelco 850 12" and 9" (and a 12" 750 gimbal on another table) arms with knife-edge bearings (albeit good ones) and have no issues with mistracking.

Of course, now I’m second guessing my interpretation of mistracking!
Are you certain it wasn’t a setup or record issue?
 Well I'm certain it wasn't a record issue because it occurred on all records.
I'm not certain it wasn't a setup issue but it 
occurred on the three tonearms surrounding the Victor......the knife-edge bearing SAEC, the gimbal-bearing FR-64S and the DV-507/II.
By 'mistracking'....I mean it 'jumped' a groove in only two spots (perhaps the nulls?) on each record. Not too annoying, but nada with the FR-66S 🤗
But, some get closer to it than others.  And that is what I hear and try to describe.  The differences may be very subtle, but they are there.  To me, the Decca sounds closer to the sound of music as I know it than the Shure does.  So, if that is to be the case, then there have to be differences between the two.  I suspect that you are reacting more strongly to what I am describing as the differences (and reason for the preference) than is warranted?  Also keep in mind that, as should be obvious, that for me the most important aspect of all this is to all issues.  For me that is the most important aspect of it all.  
I get it Frogman....🤗
And I appreciate how as a musician....this is surely the most important thing for you.
For me however....there are too many variables in the performance, recording-quality, mastering, editing, cutting and stamping of the vinyl discs that I am not consciously 'comparing' the sound to 'live music'.
I've been to so many live concerts (classical, rock, electronic, reggae, jazz) that I know, when the sound is at its best (and particularly with amplified music)......there is no way that a recording can compete with the guttural, body-tingling, stomach-churning, ear-splitting and mind-blowing sound of 'LIVE' music.
Conversely.....when the live sound is POORLY produced (at the mixing desk with amplified music or due to the acoustics of the venue or seating position with unamplified music)....I can easily prefer the sound I achieve at home.
So despite the fact that the instruments are 'REAL' and their sounds are 'AUTHENTIC'....if the END RESULT is flawed in any way.....I am not moved 🥶

HERE is a concert I attended a few years ago in Ravello (Italy) performed by the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra on a clifftop overlooking the Amalfi Coast.
Despite the presence of 65 live musicians playing REAL instruments in open air.....the 'sound' was abysmal!!!!
I firstly sat in the middle, three rows back and could not believe what I was hearing...
No oomph, no bass, no dynamics, no 'soundstage', little volume and definitely no MAGIC 😱.
I changed my seating on 5 occasions to see if the sound might improve with elevation or positioning....all to no avail.

When I listen to a particular cartridge in my system at home....It needs to have the tonal balance from lower bass, mid-bass, midrange to treble reasonably balanced.
The midrange to me is fundamental....
If it is not convincing and doesn't reproduce a palpable three dimensionality to my ears....it fails.
The important differences I hear between cartridges are in their presentations of 'Soundstage'...side to side, front to back, illusion of depth, separation of instruments and the air around them.

As much as I like the LDR.....the Ultra 500 goes slightly down lower with more authority  in the bass. The 'highs' on the Ultra 500 have slightly more 'air' and 'transparency'.
The LDR is definitely not a 'soundstage' champ 👎
Its 'width' remains inside the two speakers whereas the Ultra 500 extends past the outsides of both.
The LDR has little 'back' depth and virtually no forward projection whereas the Ultra 500 fairly 'bulges' in a parabolic manner INTO the listening room so that if I turn the volume really high...I fear it might 'push' against me 😝

These characteristics I believe, may only be apparent from my listening position 'in situ'.
We can't expect them to be heard or appreciated over a Youtube video...
And that's why I think we are not quite connecting Frogman...🤔

But then I'm surprised you manage to hear ANY of the distinctions you so ably describe via such a limited medium..
I'll keep 'em coming as long as you keep liking and contributing...🥳
