Interconnect recomendations, ~$500 new or used, RCA...

Interconnect recomensations, ~$500 new or used, RCA -- dac to intergrated amp. All the good stuff minus any glare or graininess.
Here's what I bought when I needed new IC's: Audioquest Silver Extreme's. HCM had them on sale for $100 a pair. List price was $500/pr.Can't beat that! So I got 5 pairs for $500. Happiness!
In my specified price range I'm researching Harmonic Technology, Analysis Plus, Siltech, Nordost, Synergistic Research, Cerious, Triode Wire Labs and Black Cat...
I’ve tried many lower end (hero, diamondback, etc) and never heard much improvement until I moved to Nordost. I’ve used Heimdall 1s and Heimdalls 2s and Frey 1s. For my money, I’ve stayed with used Frey 1s for all my ICs. Pretty much equal to Heimdall 2s but available used pretty reasonably. I’ve also been impressed with Acoustic Zen ICs but I found them stiff and hard to route. Lately I switched my speaker cables to Morrow SP5s and really like the sound and the flexibility. If I were starting over I’d test the Morrow ICs (well priced new I think) against Frey 1s (used).
@pmboyd - Take a look at KLE Innovations - I have tried many of their IC' and speaker cables. They offer superb detailed and musical sound

The QDLOW1 is in your price bracket.

also - Read the reviews on the web site for additional feedback

@pmboyd  I love trying different cables and have owned several of your contenders.IME HarmTech and Analysis Plus lean toward the dark and rich.Siltech is lean with a sweet treble.Cerious are clean and clear like water.Black Cat Coppertone is bright but not in a bad way.Sort of lights up the soundstage.None of these have any glare.If you need to take the edge off of any digital glare you're experiencing,Analysis Plus copper would be my first choice.Hope that helps.