Buyer is claiming damage that was done by him!

Hi group,
I sold a pair of mint Harbeths. I shipped them in original double boxed carton with original bonnets covering them. I just received this EMAIL from the buyer. I know that many ruin these speakers trying to pry  the magnetic grills off incorrectly. What is my recourse with this issue?
Thanks  much for your input!

This is the EMAIL I received from the buyer!

Hi. I picked up the speakers from FedEx yesterday. They arrived with some minor dents around the front top corners near the grille on both speakers. When I opened the outer box, I've noticed that one side of the inner box wasn't sealed on top and as a result the speakers came out of the top foam speaker holder. I guess the damage occurred from speakers bumping against each other. The grill cloth is also ripped near the dents. I've sent an email to Harbeth asking how much replacement grills are going to cost. I could probably live with those dents but grills might be replaced at some point. I'm still waiting on my amp to come back from service, so I have not even plugged the speakers in yet. Hopefully the drivers are ok.    
It's whoever arranged the shipping that has the shipping contract and any claims have to go via those parties.

The OP clearly didn't want to raise a claim as he clearly believes it's not damage occurring during shipping. 

So it's obviously very difficult from that point. I think you have come to a pragmatic solution which obviously cost you some profit but won't leave you out of pocket. 

Looking ahead if Anyone is shipping Harberth's is to very clearly communicate the process to remove the screens.
Hey guys,
The buyer received the new grills. He gave me positive feedback. I would say that this is over with. FYI: FEDEX told me that it is the buyers responsibility to file the claim since he signed for a non damaged box.

Thanks for all your input!  
Good to hear and now you can put it all behind you.

I find it very odd FedEx would say that though as they usually will only deal with any type of claim with the person who paid for/arranged the shipping.
But as it is a non starter no need to worry.
Yogi, glad to hear that things worked out as well as could have. You went over the top to get to this point. You are to be commended.