PS Audio Revises Marketing to a Direct Sales Only Model

Discussion on the PS Audio Forum sponsored by PS Audio indicates that over the next 4 months PS Audio will be transitioning to a Direct Sales Only Model.  PS Audio CEO Paul McGowan acknowledged change was coming within the next four months.  Wish the best to PS Audio on the change.  I wonder what the impact will be on dealers currently holding new stock.  The thread on the PS Audio Forum is titled Is - PS Audio Going Direct Sale Only?
Teo_audio., the successful dealers today like Singer in NYC and Goodwin's High End in Boston are in areas with large populations of wealthy people who just want a nice system and have no price limitations. So they let people at stores like these supply and set up systems for them. They are not about to play around with wires. Sometimes a theater set is required as well as cabinetry. 
This business is enough to keep them going but they do sell individual pieces and they will bend over for proven customers letting them do things like try amps at home etc. As soon as you walk in the door you will be evaluated to determine if you are "qualified." A guy that drives up in a Porsche is more likely to be qualified than the guy that drives up in a Ford Escape. 
Stores outside of wealthy metropolitan areas are disappearing. There just is not enough high end business to keep them going. What are they going to do, compete with Best Buy and the internet?
..just wondering if today’s 10,000 dollar black box is that much better then the 5000 dollar black box bought years ago and is still working.  ...and just wondering if those aging audiophiles with hearing loss are willing to even try them.
For companies that sell relatively low volume, direct sales is probably the best way to have the best customer service and competitive price. 
PS Audio has one of the best customer service’s in the industry. I don't see much of a downside.

Progress has made it difficult to survive in this hobby, especially for the manufacturers. We, who buy, will always be there, but those who sell, have to adapt to market trends, and good look with your crystal ball, my dear seller.

Some see the writing on the wall for any number of reasons that we don’t appreciate so a lot of this is speculation on our part, but, I wish PS Audio well in the choice they’re about to make.

If the price does come down some, good for all, as they have great customer service from what I’ve read. If it doesn’t, it can be for any number or reasons from already absorbing too much costs on themselves as material prices rise unpredictably, to a loss of foot traffic and eventual sales at the brick & mortar stores that keep their line.

All the best,