PS Audio Revises Marketing to a Direct Sales Only Model

Discussion on the PS Audio Forum sponsored by PS Audio indicates that over the next 4 months PS Audio will be transitioning to a Direct Sales Only Model.  PS Audio CEO Paul McGowan acknowledged change was coming within the next four months.  Wish the best to PS Audio on the change.  I wonder what the impact will be on dealers currently holding new stock.  The thread on the PS Audio Forum is titled Is - PS Audio Going Direct Sale Only?
Thanks I already have a fine dealer that discounts products similar to Underwood. 
maybe its time for someone to set up a "demo dealer" someone that is not there to sell to you but to allow you to listen, feel and spend time with an item. maybe the manufacturers can pay them or you pay for the services maybe both. I'd love to go into a spot listen and look at new stuff and if I like something buy it online directly. I don't know if it's is a financial model that would work but interesting anyway. 

They could even have computers set up to access the direct sales of the product in the store with help from the staff. This way the manufacturers have a dedicated demo site with little overhead and reap the benefits of direct sales and dealers. 

 I think the distributor model is dead who likes paying a middle man. I don't but a local dealer (demo site) I do support in what ever capacity it warps into. 

 I like the knowledge a good dealer brings but hate the pressure of a sale. not to mention a spot to facilitate warranty work even if its just liaising with the manufacturer. 

Think of what it would be like to go into a space and see hear tekton, Zu audio, Schiit, PS audio gear (the list goes on) with out having to spend months playing the buy-listen and return game for how much loss each time (shipping and restocking fees alone could sink you). 

How much would you spend for a service like that? what's that type of service worth to you?
$100 says prices stay the same on the consumer end.  

Owners will now own yachts.
@gochurchgo  You may be right about the prices staying the same but Paul McGowan is dedicated to the audiophile community and there are few places to utilize a yacht in Boulder, CO.
Get the bhk 250 over the parasound, I did 10 months ago. But only your ears will tell you which 1 is better.