Your favorite Small Apartment Speakers

  1. I view this as sort of a companion thread to the “Best Small Speakers At any Price” thread.

Lets hear what you’ve used and loved!

Thanks in advance.
JBL LSR305 powered studio monitor. Accurate, huge sweet spot due to wave guide tuneable and for $300 you have speakers that sound as good and better than a lot of consumer audio speakers that I auditioned that were $1000 for a pair.
My amplification will be all Odyssey so it’s interesting you mention the Kismets.@giantsalami
... NEW: Something by Golden Ear (MY EX-FRIEND SWEARS BY THEM) or the KLIPSCH HERSHEY llll; vintage: late 90s or early 2000s Gershman Avant Garde RX-20
"I recently purchased a pair of the Canton 9.2 and am thoroughly impressed by them. I have owned Tekton Impact Monitors, Focal 1008 BE, Philharmonitors, Odyssey Kismets, Evoke Eddies, and a few more. These Cantons are staying with me..."

I have the Cantons also and think they represent great value for the money and I really like their looks also. They have a surprising amount of bass for their size and are detailed without being bright or edgy. Having said that, I prefer the Focal 1008 BE, they’re a little more detailed. I don’t live in an apartment but have used both in a small room.
Hey big greg, I contacted you before ordering the Cantons, and I'm with you on them being well worth the money. My preference is with the Cantons over the Focals. I purchased a set of Iso acoustic stands for them and that just opened up some nice,tight bass .I still have the Odysseys and Evokes,one will have to go soon. @ gochurchgo, I used to have all Odyssey, and still have the monitors. They are great speakers.