KLAudio is stopping production of their Ultrasonic record cleaner.


KLAudio is discontinuing their top of the line ultrasonic cleaners.
they site not being able to produce them at a profitable margin.

they will be focusing on tonearms.

There will be no additional  production and sales will be from existing stock and dealers.
service will be maintained as long as possible

i absolutely love my machine.

this sounds a lot like Oppo 

if you don't have the silencer you may want to consider buying one now.
it is a fabulous accessory for much lower noise.
@vortrex interesting my fan does not stay on after the cleaning cycle is finished. It will come on after about a minute to two into the wash cycle (usually following the third or fourth record in a row that I have cleaned), add the two minute cooling process to the wash cycle, then go back to washing, and eventually drying. At the end of the drying cycle the machine stops. Now sometimes there will be more than one cooling process during a wash, but I am told by Degritter that during this process where the water is being filtered to cool down the record is still being cleaned.
Mine will stay on for 10-15 minutes or more after the cleaning cycle is done.  I guess that means my water is hotter than yours.  It will eventually shut off if I let it go, but I am in the habit now of putting the machine to sleep after each record I clean.  Right now since I am going through all my records one by one with the heavy wash I clean one, then listen, clean one, then listen, etc.
if you have a KLaudio and don't have the silencer I would consider buying it. You can really cut down on the decipels

I off chance just saw the price of it's replacement filter....I can't say it.
Wow, what a bummer!!  I'd stock up on parts if I knew which ones to get.I bought mine a while back hoping to ditch my Loricraft. And after extensive testing, I found that the KLA was no match for the Loricraft for first wash. BUT, what really came through was that LP's sounded better when cleaned by the KLA after the Loricraft. There was no debating the difference. So, instead of shortening my cleaning I ended up lengthening it a bit. At first, I was upset but after a bit I got over it and now I wouldn't give it up for anything. It removes that last bit of "film" (for lack of a better word) and gives me greater "clarity" and silence.