Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr

 I’m putting together an analog system. First on the list was a turntable, I’ve settled on the Denon DP 59L. 
  Now let’s hear from the owners of some panel electrostatic type speakers, not ones you dreamed of owning, ones that you’ve owned and the reason why they were your favorite. 
Atom, Those would be 4+4s. BIG speakers. Two subwoofers are not going to be near enough. I use 4 subs with 2+2s. You should put two inside and two outside the Stats preferably against walls. Cross over 100 to 125 Hz. As I said in the post above I will be getting SoundLabs 845s in the hopefully near future. They are the same size as your 4+4s and I plan on using an eight 12" driver array with them. Assuming they are in a room with eight foot ceilings you have full range line source loudspeakers and you are trying to use them with point source woofers which simply can not project power as well. If they sound right at one volume as soon as you turn it up higher the stats will just overwhelm the woofers. If you message me I can send you a picture of what I have in mind.

I like Quads.

I have owned Quad 57's, 2805's, 2905's, and Martin Logans. And numerous Magnepans.

The 57's are wonderfully musical speakers. The 2805's are too bright, but can be tuned down easily with a small inductor (like an air core 0.1 H). The 2905's are just right to my ears - another octave top and bottom over the 57's. What is surprising is that the 2905's are no more musically satisfying than the 57's.

Which just goes to show - frequency response ain't what it's cracked up to be. To my ears. If I were doing it again, and if I could get a reasonable deal on nice 57's, I would stack a pair or a triple. The best room I've ever heard uses triple-stacked 57's.

Good luck!
The GT Audioworks planar speakers are a must audition - they do not have a crossover on the main 6ft. Panel, utilize a proprietary membrane that is neither solely Mylar or Kapton and as a result handle tremendous power effortlessly.
They are  designed to be mated with either 2,3,4 or 6 open baffle servo woofers.
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I'm glad to see Sound Lab mentioned so many times. I have owned the same pair of Sound Lab speakers, model A-2, for 35 years. They are the smallest pure electrostatic Sound Labs ever made. They are a two way. Even though I have lusted after the larger Sound Labs, I have never felt the need to upgrade because the smaller size is convenient (they are by no means small however) and Sound Labs have a family sound. With the larger speakers you get more and deeper bass, but the bass on my speakers is quite adequate, thank you, and the tonal quality is similar to the other Sound Labs I have heard, which admittedly is not very many. I did get to spend an evening listening to Jeff Rowlands A-1s, the top of Sound Labs line at the time, with the then new Rowland Model 7 amps, and was still happy with mine. Imaging is amazing since they are a true line source. For years I listened to many other speakers thinking there must be something better out there, but finally gave up. It was pointless. I would consider no other electrostatic brand, and would not be without a pair. I drive mine with 25 watt Mark Levinson ML-2 amps. I bought them used in about 1985, and did have the mylar replaced with the then new thinner mylar back in the early '90s.