What speakers use a "minimal" crossover?

I understand the negative effects in the inneficiency of most traditional passive crossover designs, in that they most often limit the control the amp has over the drivers, limiting dynamics. However, I used to have a pair of Sonus Electa Amotors (original version), that apparantly used a very simple, minimalist, first order crossover design...a resistor or capasitor or something, not much more. The results I remembered where a much more dynamic speaker design, all things considered. (much more dynamic than my old Thiel 2.3's throughout).
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with other speakers out there that use a relatively simple crossover like the old Sonus Fabers?
I seem to remember reading that the Triangle Titus's use a simple order crossover. Anything else anyone knows of?
I know there are other ways to increase efficiency in speaker designs, but there are often compromises one way or other. And I always consider options.
The Totem Element speaker line doesn’t use any active or passive crossovers.

I’m not sure why people misread this. Their actual quote is:

No active or passive cross-over parts in the woofer section

You can read it on their website here:


In this respect it is like the Seas A26 kit I posted above.