Do you guys like Adele's music?

Do you guys like Adele's music? 

I have a kinda rare Joy Division "Unknown Pleasures" Given to me in 1980, by a friend who was hip to the changing music scene. I was still  clinging to my Zep and Stones. 

Its not an uber rare Brit press, but still a US early copy.
It's had numerous plays on awful tables, but surprisingly the music prevails!
Great thread.

Adele is supremely talented.  She has the pipes to rival anyone out there.  She's got control and power. She can convey emotion.  Her lyrics are readily accessible and discernible. 

But, and it's a big but, subjectively I've always thought she needs a better producer and some creative direction.  Why does she go 0 to 60 or even 90 on every song--or seemingly every song?  Why is the music so tense that I want to pull my hair out?  Could she just allow some air into the studio for all of our sakes?   Air, space between notes, rests....she needs all of this in my opinion. Oh, and can't she do some other voices than belt-it-out.  

Take a listen to Imelda May's album, Life Love Flesh Blood.  Adele can you please, for the love of your talent make something like this? PLEASE!

Adele is amazing but needs her own George Martin to help her get to her peak.  

@tablejockey - good for you. The music will always prevail because there was no faking with Ian Curtis.
I’ve still got my original UK pressing (but no turntable)! I’m also happy with my 4 CD Heart and Soul box which might be the best digital transfer to date.

@jbhiller - possibly a more sympathetic producer could tame the raucous nonsense being displayed - GM did wonders with Killer, I mean Cilla Black. Those early string laden lush productions of his hid her vocal deficiencies quite well.

From cloakroom attendant to superstar in easy steps - provided you had the drive, the contacts and the savy to know which way the the wind was blowing.

Other talents like Beryl Marsden and Pete Best decided to take different paths.

I'll check out that Imelda May album. Not heard any of her stuff for years, maybe a bit retro but I don't remember it being painful to listen to, or anything like it! 
@cd318,  That Imelda May album is very different from her rockabillly/retro stuff.  It's really elegant.  I think someone big produced it like T Bone Burnett.