Nasty Static on Vinyl

Help, Help
I am getting static like crazy even when my amp is muted. Trying to problem solve this and could use anyone’s help.
I have been resurrecting my record collection and adding new records. Replacing all the inner sleeves with MoFi sleeves and outer sleeves as well to protect the covers. It’s very strangle that some of my records have crazy amounts of pops and clicks which is definitely static. So much so that the static comes through even when the amp is muted. Some play fine. Purchased Dire Straits Brothers in Arms MoFi and Wes Montgomery at the Blue Note, totally unplayable!
Ive tried bathing them in distilled water, cleaning them, nothing. Gonna buy a zerostat and I hope that helps. Driving me crazy that I can’t listen to my collection. Any help would be much appreciated.
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Lovan rack on brick fireplace hearth. Gonna go through the grounding tonight. I initially had problems with pop when stylus hit the needle even when amp is muted . Now it's escalated to static pops and clicks as vinyl plays even when amp is muted!!. It's weird because it only does it on some records. Very frustrating. My Acoustic Signature Plinth was grounded to the amp and tonearm to the Phonostage seemed to work for a little while now back worse than ever. Humidity in room is about 56% I'm thinking the turntable is maybe picking up something from the metal rack. Also tried going right to the ground AC plug.
So much so that the static comes through even when the amp is muted.
Are you saying that this noise occurs with the stylus dropping or playing and the amplifier is muted? Something is really wrong with this. Are you sure it isn't an electronics issue within the phono/preamps?
audiosaurusrex, are you saying that you hear static through the speakers with the system volume down or just the phono amp muted? If you hear it through the speakers with the system volume all the way down (muted) then you most likely have a grounding problem. 
As I have said in the previously mentioned post, using a Zerostat or conductive will discharge the record but as soon as you start playing it the charge is reestablished. You have to discharge the record while it is playing. The best way to do that is with one of these, I give tips on using it in the previous post.
In terms of maintaining the charge in storage paper sleeves are the worst. Plastic sleeves are better because they will remove at least part of the charge.
I don't understand how you could be getting static thru your speakers when the system is muted, clicks and pops while playing an album are an issue and can be addressed with proper record care and cleaning to great effect but again do not understand how this issue could exist while the system is muted. Enjoy the music.