Are You a Sansui Lover?

I can say yes, I am a sansui Lover. If it were not for my sansui AU-717 and Tu-717 bought in a tag sale for $200 some 10 years ago, I would not be an audiophile today. Ever since then, I have collected many of the sansui pieces except for the C2302 preamp and B2302 power amp which are rare to find.
To all other sansui Lovers out there, Tell us about your sansui systems, present and past.
Thank you.
Sonically can someone compare the AU-x1x series (example being the 717) to the later Au-D11?
Love Sansui.  My 9090db seems to do everything just right.  I love it. I have several vintage Sansui’s and they all have some special about them.  My old Marantz pieces run a close second.  Not as sweet, but really very good.