Nasty Static on Vinyl

Help, Help
I am getting static like crazy even when my amp is muted. Trying to problem solve this and could use anyone’s help.
I have been resurrecting my record collection and adding new records. Replacing all the inner sleeves with MoFi sleeves and outer sleeves as well to protect the covers. It’s very strangle that some of my records have crazy amounts of pops and clicks which is definitely static. So much so that the static comes through even when the amp is muted. Some play fine. Purchased Dire Straits Brothers in Arms MoFi and Wes Montgomery at the Blue Note, totally unplayable!
Ive tried bathing them in distilled water, cleaning them, nothing. Gonna buy a zerostat and I hope that helps. Driving me crazy that I can’t listen to my collection. Any help would be much appreciated.
@audiosaurusrex, please let all know the process and fix to this problem once solved. This would certainly screw up some good listening sessions and hope you find your fix easily and quickly. Good luck.
@tooblue Absolutely, Gonna take everything apart tonight and see whats what. I'm thinking that since my Tonearm is still under warranty AS-TA1000 I may send that back. Hopefully it's something like the wiring and not problems with electronics. You all have been helpful and helped me cool off ;-)
So back to report... I believe the answer is impedance and gain setting on phonostage.
I have a Hana SL and thought the impedance load was 400 ohms but my SPL Phonos phonostage has a preset dial with 100, 220, 470, 2k2, 4k7 and 10k. Also has a normal and low dB setting. ( maybe someone who understands this can direct me to the proper settings). It seems that 100 and low -10 dB has resolved the issue. Feel stupid but worked through it. It seems to be playing fine now. Just couldn’t understand why some albums played fine and others were impossible to listen to.
If memory serves me right the Hana SL is what I would term a momc at 0.7mv.
On the high gain it was likely distorting somewhat and backing it down to the lower setting cured that.
Not that your initial description sounded like distortion but your cure indicates it possibly was.

My guess would be 45db on low and 60 or even 65 dB gain on high 
100ohm might be leaving some upper details on the table though.
Try just changing the impedance one click at a time and evaluating it.
you may find 220 or 470 sounds better.
Good luck.
audiosaurusrex, get a set of these,
and have them soldered on correctly with silver solder then heat shrink the colors on. Better than crimping and more durable. Always install and remove the clips with a fine needle nose pliers. Never tug on the wires. 
Fingers are way to fat for this work:)
