High efficiency monitors for SET amp in small room - budget 2.5k

Soliciting recommendations for high efficiency monitors that would work well paired with a relatively low-powered (22wpc) SET amp (Line Magnetic LM-218ia) in a small listening room. Budget is modest, around $2,500 and potentially stretching to $3,000 - thinking I'll be looking at pre-owned. Listen mostly to chamber music and jazz, not really worried about reproducing large scale orchestral music or rock.

Thanks for your thoughts!

I have a 12 x 13 room and just went through the same thing. I tested and listened for over a year. I tried Zu, Tekton, Klipsch, Usher, Kef.... Finally a used pair of Emerald Physics CS 3's  ( Clayton Shaw design )did the trick. I have a pair of his new generation M's from his new company, ( Spatial Audio Labs ) on order. For clean bass you got to get rid of the box in a room like that. You should be able to find a nice pair used as many Spatial heads are moving to his new designs. Tekton does make what looks like a nice open baffle.

jazzman, thanks for your observations.  I have been very keen on trying the Spatials or another open baffle design in my tiny room, but I have been a bit wary since I've read completely contradictory accounts of how OB speakers perform in tight spaces.  Some say it's OK, others say they need much more room to breathe.  I guess I'll just have to try and let my ears be the judge.

The Tekton OB Sigma 2 is nicely priced, but that looks like a whole lot of speaker for my limited space...

like nyaudio98 said
Ref3A de Capos. if you dont like the newer finish look for the model I. wood veneer. run it with a 4 at decware loud enough in a 12 x 20 room