Celestion SL600 and SL700 that have been mentioned are great speakers. I have heard both and use the SL700 myself. The 700 outperforms the 600 in almost every way.
The speakers have an efficiency of 82db for 1w and the impedance dives to below 4ohm below 100 hz iirc. They need an amplifier that can drive them with a lot of current but once you find the right match these speakers are magical (like with the Primare a30.2). I still have an old pair of sl6si (the cheaper mdf brother of the 700) that I connected about a month ago again to compare to the 700. Compared to the 700, the soundstage was blurry, vocals sounded coloured and the imaging was a bit all over the place, even though they're very nice speakers too. The aerolam cabinets are so quiet the image is just painted around the cabinet and very nicely holographic. I will cherish them for long I think.